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As recipients of God’s grace, we are chosen vessels to declare His message of salvation to a world enveloped in darkness. But for many of us, the call to be heralds of this good news is intimidating.

We’ve witnessed firsthand the power of the gospel to change lives, but we are hesitant to share that power with others.

Here are some of the top reasons we shy away from proclaiming this message of life with others and what the Bible has to say to help us overcome them. 

1. We’re afraid

Fear—of rejection, persecution, or ridicule—may be the most common deterrent in sharing our faith. These fears can paralyze believers into silence; but as those brought into the fold of Christ, we can remain confident in our Savior’s final words:

"'… And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'" –Matthew 28:20

As soon as Christ gives us the command to go and make disciples, He reminds us of His constant presence. An excerpt from David Platt’s book "Follow Me" encourages believers in this promise:

“ … such fears are only a sign that we are forgetting who we are. We are followers of Christ who have been crucified with him: we no longer live, but Christ lives in us … Without him, we have reason to fear; with him, we have reason for faith.”

2. We feel unqualified

Regardless of how equipped you believe you are to share the gospel, God can use you to glorify His name.

Moses came up with a million reasons he was ill-equipped to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. Despite his resume, God chose him and promised to give him the words and power to set the captives free (Exodus 3-4).

Peter and Andrew—Christ’s first disciples—were unqualified men, and yet Jesus called them to follow Him with the promise of equipping them to fish for men (Matthew 4:18-20).

If you’re unqualified, you’re in good company. In matters of being used to declare God’s glory, we can rely on Him to give us all we need to fulfill His will.

3. We think it’s awkward and uncomfortable

Yes, following a Spirit-led conviction to tell a stranger about the hope found in Christ may seem awkward, but here’s a truth we can cling to in these moments.

"'And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.'" –John 12:32

It’s not up to us to draw people to the Lord; it’s up to Christ. He is the active agent in bringing people into His Kingdom. This revelation takes the pressure off our shoulders to make smooth transitions from small talk to gospel presentations.

Our role is simply to obey our call as witnesses (Acts 1:8). The rest is up to Christ.

4. We’ve lost sight of the mission

In the hustle and bustle of life, we make margin to spend time in God’s Word and say our daily prayers but often lose sight of the missional aspect of our faith.

We neglect that every encounter isn’t happenstance but rather an opportunity that God has given us to declare His goodness. The people we interact with every day are opportunities to share the gospel.

When we’ve lost sight of the mission, we need to be reminded of our identity and purpose:

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." -1 Peter 2:9

In the words of John Maisel, East-West founder and chairman emeritus, “We have a wonderful Savior … go tell someone about Him today.”