East-West Blog

Allowed to See

Written by Field Worker | Oct 16, 2017 12:00:25 PM

Read Matthew 13:1-17.

Eighty-five percent of the people I work with don’t make it. Instead of turning from their old ways to Jesus, they go back to drugs and alcohol. After causing much devastation to themselves and others, their end is not good. My weeks often conclude with burials rather than success stories.

In Francis Chan’s YouTube video, “If Jesus were the Pastor of your church, you wouldn’t go!” Chan cites the Parable of the Sower. Jesus spoke to thousands of people and told many of them they would not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The word “not” stands out to me throughout the parable because it reminds me that my successes and failures aren’t dictated by my ability to minister. God controls who can and cannot understand His teachings. I sometimes wish I were more successful in what I have been called to do, but in those moments I’m reminded that:

  1. I can do this ministry because He allowed my eyes to see.
  2. I am as successful as He allows me to be.
  3. I am successful because He allows me to be.
  4. I am very successful indeed!

Father, we thank You for opening our eyes to the Truth of who You are. Remind us that You are the Giver of life and success. As we work to make You known, open the eyes of others so they can understand Your goodness and grace. Amen.

-from a missionary to Central Asia