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Read Luke 10.

In Luke 10, “go” is an active command in response to a field that needs to be harvested. I think it's amazing how Jesus tells us to go and immediately provides three pictures of what going can look like.

First, He tells the appointed 72 to go to different cities to spread the word of God to those who have yet to hear of Christ. A few verses later, Jesus talks about a Samaritan who remained in his town, saw someone in need, and acted to help. And lastly, He introduces Martha and Mary to teach us that investing in relationships is far more important to Him than the number of tasks we complete.

The 72 were commissioned for the unreached. The Samaritan’s ministry was among his community. Mary and Martha served those who entered their home. It seems to me that God intends for us to go and respond to needs both near and far. He is calling you to a need somewhere. Are you listening?

Father, reveal to us our ministry to the lost. Quiet us so we can listen to You without distraction and respond to Your call to go. Amen.

-from a missionary on our Mobilization Team