East-West Blog

Blessed Are Those Who Trust

Written by John Maisel | Jun 23, 2023 10:00:00 AM

We’ve spend the last few weeks looking at the “blessed” statements found in Psalm 84. Today, we’ll conclude this psalm by focusing on the closing verse and last of these three statements.

“Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.” -Psalm 84:12

Do you trust in the Lord?

This is a question that each of us must answer daily because it applies to every circumstance we encounter. Trust is an action word that leads us to the real secret of answering the question, “Do I trust God in whatever happens?”

The answer to this question is discovered by looking at our actions and our choices. The spiritual focus is clearly seen by what you do and not by what you say you believe.

So back to the question: Do you trust in the Lord?

Several filters may help us answer that question. First, are you seeing God’s hand in all of your circumstances? Second, are you aware that nothing can touch you unless God allows it to happen?

This is true of the good and the bad, the joy and the pain, the victories and the defeats.

One way to survey our hearts and see if we're trusting God is to ask whether we're applying the command of 1 Thessalonians 5:18 in our lives: “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

By saying, “Thank You, Father,” we are acknowledging our trust in the Lord God Almighty’s determination that this situation will be used in our lives for our good and His glory—no matter what the difficulty or victory may be.

Learning to trust God is an intentional choice of our hearts (in the midst of whatever difficulty, trouble, or distress) to believe these things:

  • God is there.
  • God is in control.
  • God will use it for our good.

Therefore, we chose to worship Him by acknowledging Him and saying, “Thank You, Father,” regardless of our situation.

Paul tells us in Philippians to do all things “without grumbling or arguing (Philippians 2:14).” Why? Because all murmuring and complaining for the Christian is like going back to the Father and saying, “You made a mistake with Your plan for my life.”

Wherever you are, folks, there has been no mistake made by the Master for what He is intending for you and for your life.

Dwell intimately with Him. Find your strength in Him. Trust in His perfect plan.


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