East-West Blog

Fear Not, Part 3

Written by John Maisel | Jul 1, 2022 10:00:00 AM

As we discussed a few weeks ago, the most repeated statement in the Bible is “fear not” or “don’t be afraid.” Today I would like to propose that our best weapon in fighting fear is the joy and awe of being rooted in the fear of the Lord.

In our faith, we are to fight fear with fear.

We know that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge ... (Proverbs 1:7).” Our healthy fear of the Lord leads us to great awe and understanding of His love for us.

We’re in a constant struggle between our flesh that is driven by the fear of missing out on the things of this world that provide fleeting happiness versus the longing of the Holy Spirit to relive the life of Jesus through us.

The result of living with the fear of the Lord is a growing awareness of the presence of God in every circumstance. And His presence becomes a restraining influence that holds us back from sin.

If we chose to sin, God is there and knows—even if no one else does. By understanding this and walking in the fear of the Lord, we are motivated to make wise, God-honoring decisions.

“But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. 'Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.'” -1 Peter 3:14

 In this verse, we’re encouraged not to fear things imposed by man, such as rejection, mocking, job loss, etc. We are to fear the Lord. God is present in fears inflicted by people, and we can chose to honor Him with our words and deeds—no matter the consequence—the more we trust Him.

We bless God by honoring Him in all circumstances and in turn are blessed regardless of the outcome—good or bad.

Daniel feared God, was thrown into the lions’ den, and lived by supernatural deliverance (Daniel 6). Many believers over the course of history have feared God and been thrown to the lions to be devoured. Some survived, while others lost their lives for the cause of Christ.

Regardless of the outcome, these believers trusted that God’s call on their lives was for their highest good and His greatest glory.

In life or death, choosing the fear of the Lord over the fear of man leads to our eternal blessing and causes the angels to sing and dance.

This week, be bold and fear God rather than man.


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