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“Follow Me” is the single most repeated charge of Christ to His disciples. This simple command launched the work and movement of the Church and is the driving agenda for everyone in Christ.

Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of the Father” (John 4:34). The implication of this verse on our lives is that in following Jesus we are to do the will of the Father.

As Jesus Christ’s disciples, we do this by daily growing in obedience and reflecting the light of the world—Jesus—in darkness. Being His witness is our number one priority (Acts 1:8).

In John 21, Jesus repeatedly confronts Peter with a question: “Do you love Me?” At the end of this conversation Jesus says—and I paraphrase—“Peter, get your eyes off of other people and tasks and follow Me.”

Daily this is our charge… obedience in following Jesus.

We can’t accomplish this task without trusting God, and we can’t trust God until we are confident in His love for us. Only when we see, understand, accept, and believe in His great love will we be able to follow Him the way He desires.

Just as He asked Peter, Jesus asks us “Do you love Me?” If our response is “Yes,” He expects our lives to be completely committed to following Him at all costs.

In 2015, this question—Do you love Me?—should be our driving motivation in everything we do and everywhere we go.

Wishing you blessings in 2015 for the glory of His name.