East-West Blog

Given a Purpose

Written by East-West Staff | Aug 10, 2017 1:00:25 PM

Nivaan* was born into a Buddhist family in Southeast Asia and grew up attending festivals and religious events. Despite his devotion to Buddhism, Nivaan felt like his life was empty and purposeless … until his uncle invited him to a local church where he first heard the gospel.

When I heard the story of Jesus it all made sense. I realized I was a sinner and needed to turn to God in order to find forgiveness and new life.”

Shortly after his first exposure to the gospel, Nivaan trusted in Christ and was met with family turmoil. His family rejected him for his newfound faith, believing he had betrayed his ancestors and traditions. But Nivaan didn’t shrink back from his profession of faith in Christ. In fact, the opposite happened in his life.

Nivaan poured his life into developing his relationship with Jesus Christ. As his faith grew, his family began to notice the dramatic changes in his life.

I used to have a very bad temper but Jesus gave me peace and patience. My family noticed how God had changed my life.” 

Today, his relationship with Jesus continues to impact the way Nivaan lives and serves in his Southeast Asia country. His life now has purpose and he uses his gifts and talents to multiply the kingdom of God as an East-West national partner.

*Name changed for security reasons.