East-West Blog

Going Public with Jesus

Written by East-West Staff | Nov 21, 2014 7:39:16 PM

Recently, I passed a Marine Corp billboard calling others into “a commitment to something greater than yourself.” This advertisement immediately caught my attention because it reads strikingly different from the majority of signs that offer things we deserve or things that can make us happy.

The Christian life mirrors the Marine advertisement and contrasts greatly to a culture focused on selfish gain rather than serving others. The Christian call is a commitment to something greater than yourself.

Believers fulfill this call by publicly telling others about the joy-filled life offered to all who trust in Jesus as Savior. When Christ captured my heart it became clear that my life’s purpose is to share this message.

Those outside of Christ are dying—destined for eternal suffering and separation from God. God deems us Ambassadors for Jesus and gives us the duty of witnessing to the message of Christ and His ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:19,20). Paul concludes 2 Corinthians 5 with a plea for others to come to Jesus. This passage is important for both believers and nonbelievers because it reveals that people far from Christ will come to know Jesus through His faithful ambassadors.

As ambassadors we aren’t called to harbor the message of Christ. We are called to let it overflow into our lifestyles … declaring it in everything we do.

Calling himself the Chief of Sinners, Paul understood the abundant grace he received (1 Timothy 1:15). He knew that if God’s grace could extend to him, it could extend to anyone—so he shared it with everyone.

Paul fulfilled his call as an ambassador… becoming a fool for Jesus as He told people about the new life Christ offers (1 Corinthians 4:10). He embraced the call to something greater. Will you?