East-West Blog

How One Man’s Compassion Changed a Life

Written by East-West Staff | Apr 16, 2015 1:00:52 PM

Fernanda was desperate.

Her life had taken several bad turns and she found herself begging for spare change in a European train station.

One day she approached a man—an East-West national partner—for money. He was more than willing to give her the coins in his pocket… but what caught Fernanda by surprise was his willingness to sit and talk with her.

As they sat on a bench in the station, the man asked Fernanda her story and she shared that her impoverished lifestyle made her sad. Fernanda explained that money would make her happy, but the man objected. He said only God could give her true happiness.

Fernanda didn’t think God really cared about her, but the national partner assured her He did… so much so that He sacrificed Jesus—His only Son—to give her eternal life.

The look in the national partner’s eyes reflected the compassion of the God he spoke of, and Fernanda contemplated the Message the man shared.

It took only seconds for her to realize that God really did care for her. He’d proved His love when He sent Christ to die on a cross, and He was demonstrating it again that very day through the kind and caring words of the man sitting next to her.

And she couldn’t help but believe in the gospel.

When Fernanda and the national partner departed to catch their trains, he gave Fernanda the address of another national partner who lived in her destination city. The next day he received a call that Fernanda had attended church that day and wanted to learn more about the Man she’d placed her trust in.