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Read Romans 1:16 and 1 Corinthians 1:17-18.

Slogging in the world of Islam can be challenging. Many deceptions seem “oh so close” to the truth and lead down rabbit trails of questions. I’m often countered by well-schooled Muslims who tenaciously cling to the words of the Quran and the teachings of the Hadith. This ministry field sometimes bears little fruit. In flashes of frustration, “the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes” echoes in my mind.

When we stare into the face of someone resisting faith, when fatigue overwhelms us, when our circumstances appear chaotic, when our wisdom fails and our knees are weak there’s one thing we need to do — speak the gospel!

There is immeasurable power when the gospel is breathed out because the Truth of Jesus Christ resides in it. We do not have to be eloquent. We do not need to be trained apologists. We do not even need to be bold. We only need to speak the gospel in faith and God’s power will do its work on the hardest hearts.

Father, convict us to use the power of the gospel when it’s hard to speak and we’re weary of sharing. Tune the hearts of those we engage with to respond to the grace You offer to all who believe in You. Amen.

-written by a missionary on our Mobilization Team