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Read Matthew 22:34-40.

Many of us know what it’s like to get entangled in a religious debate like the one the Pharisee tried to start when he asked Jesus about the greatest commandment. Instead of engaging in conversations on the importance of honoring the Sabbath versus abstaining from unclean meats, Jesus responds with a message on love.

Through His response, Jesus forever links loving God and loving our neighbor. I find these verses transformative in the Christian walk because we can let our entire being concentrate on harnessing the power that comes from love instead of spending time caught up on rules.

By straying from rule-abiding legalism, we can turn our attention to doing the work of showing God’s love by caring for others. Will we love God so well that our neighbor is loved? Will we love our neighbor so well that we love God well? These two questions are inextricably linked together in the liberating words of Jesus.

Father, thank You for eternally linking love. Reset our hearts to walk in freedom as we love You and Your people. Amen.

-from a missionary on our Mobilization Team