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An East-West national partner in Central Asia hired a local man to work on his home. While the man worked, Azamat shared the gospel with him, but he was not open to the good news.

A year passed and then this man’s life fell apart. He was broken and lost with no sense of hope for his future. He remembered the kindness of the missionary and approached him again, desperate for any help he could provide.

Once again, our partner pointed this man to the gospel by asking if he would like to be reconciled to God and follow Jesus. This time the man was ready to accept Jesus as his Lord.

Later that day, this new believer’s sister-in-law approached the missionary. She, too, was desperate to know more about Jesus and had heard of her family member's transformation. Through tears she acknowledged her deep need for forgiveness and salvation through Christ.

Her sorrow was replaced with joy as the hope of the good news washed over her, giving her life purpose.

Both new believers were baptized that same week. A church has since been planted in their homes, and they are joining the work of reaching their community with the gospel, glorifying God by making disciples in their nation.