Read Mark 1:35-39.
In this passage I was struck by ten very important words, the first five of which are, “everyone is looking for you” (Mark 1:37).
All of us long to be popular, to be in demand. In this verse, we see clearly that Jesus was immensely popular. He had huge crowds clamoring for His attention. But popularity was not what Jesus was after. He was after fulfilling the Father’s purpose. This was His driving passion. In fact, Jesus’ response to the pull of popularity is stunning.
The next grouping of words in this passage to me is, “Let us go somewhere else” (Mark 1:38). Jesus knew God’s purpose for His life was to preach the gospel everywhere. He was not driven by worldly popularity or fame.
He truly lived a purpose driven life. That kind of life is not easy. It is hard! But my prayer is that God will grant each of us a passion to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness ... ultimately choosing God’s purpose over our popularity!
Father, we want to seek to earn Your applause over the praises of people. Please redirect our hearts to pursue Your purpose over our popularity. Amen.
-from our Southeast Asia Field Leader