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Esther* could hardly remember a time when she didn’t have this evil inside of her. For many years, she had been plagued by evil spirits and nothing she tried had rid them from her.

She was desperate now. All she wanted was a life without the physical and spiritual torment of the spirits that possessed her body.

And hope finally came one day.

Esther’s husband heard of a powerful gathering of people who follow Jesus. Through their prayers, others had been healed and spirits had been driven out. Esther was ready to try anything … even if it meant abandoning the gods that she had followed her entire life.

When they walked into the church, they could feel the power within its walls … no, within its people. When it was time to pray, Esther and her husband walked up to him and asked him to help her with these spirits.

Eagerly, the pastor—an East-West partner—began to pray. And as he did, Esther could feel the evil spirits within her body begin to stir. With no control of herself, she fell to the floor and heard the spirits speak from her mouth.

Then the pastor said, “In the Name of Jesus, I command you to leave this woman’s body!”

In that very instant, Esther felt relief and peace. It was a feeling unlike any that she could remember. It was a feeling that she wanted to hold onto forever.

She knew that a God who was powerful enough to banish evil spirits out of her body would be powerful enough to protect and restore her … and she knew she wanted to follow this God for the rest of her days.