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“Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” –Hebrews 4:16

Religious restrictions hinder the gospel from spreading in some Latin American nations. But we know God’s glory will encompass the whole earth despite government resistance, and we pray He will make an eternal mark on the hearts of the lost living in Latin America.

This week, please join us in praying for this restricted access region using the following prayer written by our Director of Prayer Partnership.


I meet with You today on behalf of the people of Latin America. Your scripture says I can come boldly to your throne and ask for mercy and grace in our time of need. The people of Latin America need you today. I ask you to pour out your mercy and grace. I know You want to save them.  

I am ready to do my part to see this happen. I ask You to lift the veil from their eyes, that they might see Christ clearly. Please break all deception caused by the false beliefs Satan and circumstances have created.

Please demolish the stronghold of pride in them. Help them to see how much You love them and how much they need You. I ask You to destroy every plan of Satan and every thought he plants in their minds to deceive them.

Send the Holy Spirit to hover all around them, releasing Your power and love. Send others to Latin America, as well, to share Your love and words with them.

I thank You for doing this. I will continue to pray until I see the breakthrough. I ask based on the finished work of Christ, the people of Latin America’s only Savior.

