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“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” –John 1:5 

In South Asia, 95.3% of the population is unreached by the gospel. Deep-seated Hindu, Buddhist, and Islamic beliefs keep many veiled to the truth of Christ, and prayer is our most powerful weapon against the schemes of the enemy.

This week, please join us in praying for this spiritually dark region using the following prayer written by our Director of Prayer Partnership.


I bring the people of South Asia before You today. I am meeting with You to ask You to meet with them. They need to be reconciled to You.

You met with people in the Bible, and they were never the same. Please do that for the mountain people of South Asia.

 A great darkness covers their eyes but your word says that the light of Jesus shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. Please remove this veil of darkness so they can receive the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I ask You to release the power of the Holy Spirit to break through every barrier, to heal every hurt, to open their eyes to truth, and to reconcile the people of South Asia to Yourself.

As one of Your ambassadors on earth, I ask this in the name of Jesus the Christ, who has already paid the price for their salvation.


We’ve created a free downloadable prayer print for you to use as a reminder to pray for the people of South Asia throughout the week. Click here to download this prayer resource.
