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Stories communicate across many cultures throughout the world. That is why your story can be a powerful tool for evangelism on the mission field.

Here are a few "dos and don'ts" to consider when preparing your testimony for your next mission trip or opportunity to share the gospel.


Remember your audience

Listen to those whom you speak to for relatable items to serve as natural bridges into your story or connections you can bring up later. You’ll have to know your testimony well but be flexible enough to edit it for your audience. Have an interesting, attention-grabbing introduction and a solid conclusion. Relay details throughout the story to create interest.

Share your story

Start with what your life was like before Christ. Who did you think God was? How did you think you get to go to Heaven? Then move into how you came to know Christ as your Savior. Lastly, include what your life has been like since you’ve trusted Christ.

Include the gospel message

As you tell your story, remember to communicate the gospel message. Clearly explain the main points of the gospel including that you are a sinner, that Christ died and rose for you, and that you trust Him and have forgiveness and hope for eternity through Him.

Practice your A, B, C’s

When sharing your testimony, it is important to remember the A, B, C’s. Keep it audible, brief, and Christ-centered. Practice often so that telling the main points of your story is natural for you. Practicing with your friends and family can be beneficial to get feedback and experience from telling your story to individuals or groups.

Rely on the Spirit

When an opportunity to share arises, ask God for the wisdom and the words to communicate well. We have the power of the Holy Spirit working through us to accomplish God’s will. Rely on His power and trust God to handle the results.


Now a few things you shouldn't do …

  •  Use "Christianese."
  •  Name denominations.
  •  Speak critically or negatively of individuals or groups.
  •  Use glamorous words like wonderful, glorious, etc.
  •  Give the impression that the Christian life is without troubles.
  •  Preach at the listeners.

Where did you last share your testimony?

Go on a short term mission trip