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How to Recognize Opportunities to Share the Gospel

Read John 4:1-41.

Over the last 15 years of ministry in Southeast Asia, God has taught me many rich truths. One specific lesson about evangelism stands out most to me.

In today’s passage, Jesus engages the woman at the well. Overcome by His prophetic words and divine insight into her life, she hurries back to Sychar and declares to her people what she discovered—the Christ!

Jesus Declares the Harvest is Ripe

This is a teachable moment for the disciples and us as Christ said, “Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest?’ I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest!” (John 4:35).

What a contrast between nature and grace! In an ordinary harvest, men sowed and waited. But among the Samaritan people, Southeast Asian people, and people all around us, divine suddenness can happen. Spiritual harvests are not limited by agrarian cycles. Salvation can come through the Spirit’s convicting and convincing work that draws people to place their trust in Christ!

Seeing the Ripe Harvest Before Us

When Christ tells the disciples to see the field is ripe for harvest, what does He see? He sees people—hundreds from Sychar—coming through the unripe fields with a longing to know the One the woman at the well told them about!

Many of these people believed in Jesus, and our day is no different than their day. Divine suddenness still occurs. This passage is meant for you and me as we courageously share the Lord with thirsty souls!

Prayer for the Harvest

Father, open our eyes to see the fields ripe for harvest around us and give us the boldness to declare Your goodness and grace to all people. Amen.

-from a missionary to Southeast Asia


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