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It was their church’s day of service, and Sylvia* and Brittany* chose to learn more about house-to-house evangelism.

In the morning, they took an interactive training course with East-West missionaries and practiced how to share their testimony and the gospel. Then they were sent out to use their tools to share in the surrounding community.

That’s when they met two girls at a local apartment complex.

The pair was initially nervous to share and prayed for boldness in speech. God answered their requests … allowing their stories of grace and the good news of Jesus to flow from their lips.

When it was time to ask the girls what they thought about the message, both responded with true faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. Amazed at how the Holy Spirit was working, Sylvia and Brittany showed them Scriptures about baptism.

In minutes the new believers discovered God’s view of baptism and were convicted of their next steps of faith. They filled their bathtub with water and asked Sylvia and Brittany to baptize them.

The following day they joined Sylvia and Brittany at church to connect with believers their age for community and discipleship.

*Names changed for security.