East-West Blog

Speak His Name

Written by East-West Staff | Jul 27, 2015 3:35:47 PM

Read Romans 10:14-17.

I think most of us will agree that until Jesus is the centerpiece of our hearts, telling others of His redeeming love in the midst of a hostile environment will not be a top priority of our life. Once we are filled with Christ Jesus Himself, we don’t mind disturbing our own peace and security. When we really see Jesus, our hearts mirror that of Paul’s and everything becomes nothing in light of knowing the Lord (Philippians 3:8).

Oh, how Jesus longs to use people just like us for the glory of His name! People that are broken, messed up, and confused, but adopted and redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Everyone outside of Christ wears a mask, searching for meaning and longing at the deepest level of their soul for what God alone can give to each of them. And that’s all they need. Nothing more.

The world is hungry for what Christians have to offer… the grace, mercy, love, forgiveness, acceptance, faithfulness, and presence of the living God.

So remember the mandate of Christ in Acts 1:8: “You shall be my witnesses.” Why? Because “faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.”

We have such a great Savior! Don’t keep Him to yourself today.

Father, compel us to share Your great love with others today. Use our stories of redemption to bring people into relationship with You. Amen.