You must stand before the living God, and He will ask only one question: What did you do with Jesus—who loves you, seeks you, and pursues you—when He asked you to come to Him?
There will be a day when every knee shall bow to Jesus (Philippians 2:9-11). This includes:
The knees of all who walk upon the Earth will fall in His presence one day.
This One who gave you life asks that He might give you His life. This One who created the beginning and closes the end asks you to take Him as your new beginning so that there will be no end to your life. One day there will be no more sorrow, no more pain, no more failures, and no more disappointments (Revelation 21:4). One day—when you see Him face-to-face—you will understand and be free, free indeed.
Some of you who read this will die soon; others are too young to even think about death. Some are educated with degrees; others are not. Some of you have large bank accounts; others of you do not know where your next meal will come from.
Wherever you are, whatever you’ve done, whatever you think you are, Jesus loves you!
He wants to give you everything you need—not everything you want, but everything you have ultimately hoped for.
As you consider this truth about whether you will come to Him, remember what you are accepting or rejecting.
Think of who He is.
This Jesus who gave you life invites you to come that you may know your purpose. Come to His light that you may begin to see clearly. Come to His freedom that you may know why you were made. Come that He may be yours and you may be His.
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