East-West Blog

The First People to Seek Jesus

Written by Short-Term Mission Teams Staff | Dec 5, 2016 4:00:12 PM

Read Matthew 2: 1-12.

There must have been an interesting “campfire” conversation on the eve of the journey to Jerusalem among the servants traveling with the Magi. Think about it for a minute. The servants had probably traveled with their masters to visit foreign lands to meet other kings, but not infants. They’d probably great values of bounty, but this time they would give away gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The circumstances around the wise men’s journey are equally perplexing. They followed a star in the middle of the night, showing that sometimes the path God paves for someone seeking Christ may be unusual, uncomfortable, and very different. And when they found Christ, they were led to worship and generosity. This response is the same for people today.

And after they came face to face with Jesus, God led them to return home by a different route.

Personally, I think it would have been so much easier to be disobedient to God and re-trace the familiar route they knew from their original journey to Bethlehem. But, that wasn’t God’s plan. Instead of disobeying God, they chose to disobey Herod, which could have been a dangerous decision.

Sometimes, when we seek, find and follow Christ, we’re led into uncomfortable situations like the wise men. Is God encouraging you to “take a different route” in your life—a change of priorities or a fresh commitment to serve Him? Seek Him about this today.

Jesus, when we seek You, our lives are never the same. Help us to be obedient to Your will and way even when the path You pave for us is uncomfortable. Amen.

-from a Short-term Trip Leader