Read John 1:4-9 and 8:12.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus repeatedly refers to Himself as the Light of the World. This theme starts in the very first chapter of the book when He bursts onto the scene of humanity. Christ brings forth light, and that same trend continues in the hearts of those who meet Him today.
Light is a sign of hope and security. It illuminates the things we previously could not see—it gives revelation. Jesus as the Light of the World reveals to us God’s method for salvation and is a clear fulfillment of Old Testament prophesies. In Him, we find eternal hope and security of our sealed place with God the Father.
And light spreads. That’s where you and me come into God’s grand gospel scheme. We are light-spreaders, bringing the Light of the world into spiritual darkness so that those living in lostness can experience true life.
God, help us to be bold in spreading the Light of the world—Jesus Christ—in spiritual darkness. Amen.