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“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” -2 Corinthians 5:21

Scripture is clear that our ways are not God’s ways, and our thoughts are not God’s thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). Because of this, I’ve concluded that our Lord’s Kingdom can be referred to as an “upside down kingdom.”

Often we put emphasis on logical conclusions or the ways the natural world works, but sometimes God’s Kingdom functions in ways that are contrary to our world. I think Christ is a prime example of this.

When was it ever logical for a man to be fully human and God and never sin, yet receive the penalty of death for someone else’s sin?

Answer: Never.

At the cross, the beloved Son of God—full of purity, holiness, righteousness, and unstained by sin—took my sin, your sin, and the sin of all mankind upon Himself and experienced the unimaginable fury of God’s wrath for our eternal salvation. Take a second to try and understand the depth of love Christ has for you.

Wow! He who knew no sin became sin for me (2 Corinthians 5:21).

The love of God the Father and Christ the Son is a mystery and only makes since when you see the magnificence of His grace-filled agenda for all who “cling to Jesus.” Out of their great love for us, Christ willingly went to the cross to save us today and for eternity.

Isn’t this a story to tell, a truth to declare, and a cause to suffer—even die—for?

If you’re a believer, I know your answer to this question is “yes.” Now go tell someone this week about what Jesus did for you and wants to do for them!