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Read John 4:1-45.

Take a second to think about who the evangelist is in this well-known Bible story.

If you chose the Samaritan woman from the well, you’re right! Jesus knew her many faults, yet He still offered her living water. Her meeting with Jesus turned her world upside down, and she couldn’t keep her divine encounter to herself.

She drank deeply from His spring of life and wanted others to experience too … so she shared her story of meeting Jesus throughout the town. From this passage, we learn a few things about using our testimonies to grow God’s Kingdom…

  • Our stories of life change are meant to be shared
  • Our testimonies powerfully witness to God’s grace and power
  • Our stories can be leveraged by God to save people for eternity

Have you shared your story lately? You—like the Samaritan woman at the well—have experienced God’s abundant grace and have story to tell. I encourage you to share it freely. When you do, I’m confident God will use it to impact people forever.

God, give us the courage to freely share how we came to know You through Jesus. Let us see the power of your grace working through our testimonies. Amen.

–written by a stateside missionary