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Read Exodus 15-17 and Psalm 42:2.

Lately, I have been reading in Exodus about the Israelites and their journey out of captivity from Egypt. They witnessed God do incredible miracles, especially parting the Red Sea. As I’m reading their story, I’ve tried to place myself in their shoes to fully grasp what’s happening.

I imagine myself standing on the other side of the sea … looking back and realizing that a powerful God freed me from captivity and allowed me to witness a miracle. But in what seems like a matter of days, I join the rest of the Israelites in complaining about our thirst, quickly forgetting that the God of the universe is closely walking with us. I’m amazed again when God answers Moses’ intercession for us and changes the bitter water to clean water. I drink and am satisfied (Exodus 15:25).

Shortly after, I start wondering what the plans were for dinner. So I decided to approach Moses with the rest of the Israelites to complain about my hunger. God not only provides food for us, but He rains it down from heaven (Exodus 16:4)!

Once more, I’m thirsty and I continue in the pattern of complaining. So God decides to bring water from a rock and satisfy all of us (Exodus 17:6).

After picturing myself as an Israelite, I think to myself, “How dumb could these Israelites be? They are constantly forgetting what God has brought them from and are not trusting God with their needs!” And then it hits me. I am just like them. When the slightest thing goes wrong, I forget what God has done in my life and start demanding what I think I deserve.

Here are a few things I’ve taken away from my journey through Exodus:

  • Don’t allow our thirst and hunger to question the character of God. Remember the huge miracles He’s already done in our lives!
  • Trust God. Even when we’re unfaithful, God is going to give us what we need and provide more opportunities to trust Him.
  • Only Jesus can really quench our deepest thirsts and hungers. This is something I have to remind myself of daily.

-written by a missionary on East-West’s Diaspora Team

Father, help us remember your goodness in our lives during seasons of hunger and thirst. Amen.