East-West Blog


Written by East-West Staff | Apr 17, 2015 7:41:58 PM

How we spend our time reveals what we truly value. You can learn a lot about yourself and your priorities by looking at your schedule over the last few months.

I believe our “to do” lists and project deadlines are producing a fragile commitment in our personal lives that destroys our intimacy with God. If I were to ask each of you, “What is the main issue that is keeping you from intimacy with God?” I bet 90 percent of the responses would fall into the time category.

Our desire is there, our hope is there, but at the end of the day we’ve missed living intimately with our Savior. Jesus made our “to do” lists, but our day had too many interruptions and we ended up putting Him on the backburner.

As I’ve said before, the fight for our hearts is the biggest battle in our lives. It is an ongoing struggle to invest in intimately knowing the Lord.

The fights that take us down are not the big moral sins, but the way we choose to use our days and circumstances.

I know we have a ton on our plates. Life moves fast and the forces of darkness are brilliant in trying to compromise what our Lord longs to do in and through each of us. But I’m also deeply convinced that spending all my time with people will ultimately rob my ability to give anything to people—especially when it comes to helping others go deeper with Jesus and walk privately and publicly with Him.

So where do we go from here?

We must make it our daily priority to fall more in love with our Lord. This is the only thing that has lasting achievement and is the foundation for a one-day-old and a 50-year-old Christian. After all, no believer will ever reach perfection this side of heaven. We are all growing, learning, believing, and rejoicing in who we really are in Christ and who Jesus longs to be in us.

For the next few weeks I want to drill down on what needs to be flooding our hearts daily. These things will give us the joy, intimacy, and love we each desire to experience with the Lover of our souls and will allow God to prepare us and use us to build His kingdom.

But before we can move into other practices, we must face our time issues. Satan will do anything to keep us from experiencing and rejoicing in what God has done and will do for each of us through the time commitments of our days.

Start making your relationship with Jesus the top priority in your life today.