East-West Blog

Using the Ordinary for the Extraordinary

Written by East-West Staff | Oct 30, 2017 12:00:21 PM

Read Matthew 9:36-10:1.

Verses like these have always been compelling to me, but the significance of this passage has taken on new meaning as I transition into full-time ministry. I find myself overwhelmed when I consider the responsibility these words imply and often I wonder if I’m really up to the task.

As I read Matthew 10, I quickly realize that Christ’s disciples—whom He entrusted to escort people into eternity—were pretty ordinary men. In fact, God constantly uses ordinary men and women with a lot of character flaws—untrained, unqualified, uncertain—to do extraordinary things for His Kingdom.

This gives me hope and confidence in God’s ability to use me for His glory as I surrender to His will.

Jesus, thank you for choosing us and giving us the privilege of serving You. Thank you for giving us the power of the Holy Spirit to complete Your work. Help us faithfully follow You wherever You lead. Amen.

-from our Director of Mass Evangelism