East-West Blog

We Are All Influencers

Written by Field Worker | May 10, 2016 1:00:19 PM


Before I moved to South Asia, my parents hosted a lovely going away open house for me.

The day was full of my favorite people who traveled down the street, across town, and across country just to see me off. I was lavished with hugs and love, laughter and life. People filled my house for twelve hours—mind you, the invitation said it would only be four hours—and reminded me of why I do what I do.

Besides a wedding, there really is no other reason for people from all of my friend circles to come together and celebrate. Yet, as I looked around that day, I was in awe.

There were people from my old workplace and my church, from my time in other countries and my time in my hometown. There were those who believe in Jesus, and those who believe God doesn’t exist. People who have been married for over 30 years, and those whose marriages ended all too early. Young children, people with special needs, married homosexuals, and some of the godliest people I know sat in my backyard, ate delicious food, rubbed shoulders together, and enjoyed the goodness of life.

All of these people came together because they believe in me. They might not all believe in God—or even have a desire to like the country I live in—but they all believe in who I am, who I have been created to be, and what I have been created to do.

And this reminded me that the life you live affects every single person in your sphere of influence.

I do what I do not for the glamour, or the pedestal people place me on, or the adventure. I do what I do because by obeying God’s voice, His love is manifested to all people.

I think of that open house often and am reminded of the faces of those who came. I’m so thankful for the broad sphere of influence God has given me across the world and the responsibility that it carries: to declare His love to every person who walks in my path.

How are you influencing your sphere?

It might be small or it might be large; it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we take responsibility to show and speak and be God’s love to the world.