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God’s heart is to see Christ worshiped in every crevice of the world.

It’s all about His Name, His Kingdom and His will … on earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:9-10). And when we survey how He is working to see this come true in the spiritually darkest areas of the world, it’s through rapid movements of multiplication known as Church Planting Movements (CPMs).

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As believers across the globe catch this vision, fully abide in Christ, fervently pray for their communities and those near them, and—with great joy—sacrifice everything to proclaim the Name of Jesus, we are witnessing the Kingdom of God break loose.

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.” –Matthew 13:44

Click here to watch a video on how a church planting movement started by one faithful believer in South Asia.

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