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Read Hebrews 11

Discontentment has run rampant in my life lately, but God has been faithful to reveal the root of it—a wrong perspective. In my desire to be in a different life stage, my focus has been nearsighted on myself and my current circumstances.

But that’s not how the heroes of our faith lived.

In Hebrews 11, the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Rahab, and many others who’ve walked faithfully before us display a hopeful perspective that is eternally focused. No matter the situation, they always look up to God and forward to eternity with Him. And I think that’s meant to encourage believers—like you and me—who live in a culture that promotes instant gratification.

This new year, I’m challenging myself to constantly reflect on where I’m setting my sights, and want to challenge you to do the same. Where are you looking today?

Lord, renew our hearts and minds with a faith that is always looking upward to You and forward to eternity in Your presence. Amen.

-written by a missionary on our Diaspora Team