East-West Blog

Caring for the Orphans

Written by East-West Staff | Jan 11, 2017 2:00:21 PM

A young man, David*, introduced himself to me after church service during a short-term mission trip to Russia. Our American team had just shared testimonies and scripture during the service at our host church when David asked me if I knew a man named Jake* from the United States.

I was shocked … I did know Jake! He was one of my good friends and had actually helped me lead mission teams years ago. David surprised me even more with what he said next.

In his soft, but confident Russian accent, he said, “When I was ten years old, I was an orphan. Jake and his mission team came to our orphanage and told us about Jesus. They gave us school supplies and that was the first time we heard about Jesus. That’s when I believed in Jesus as my Savior.”

They desperately needed the school supplies because, as orphans, none were available. But more importantly, they needed to know Jesus!

I asked David, “How did you get from the orphanage to this church?”

David had grown in his new faith, got involved in the local church while still in the orphanage and then moved to attend a missionary training school. He was now learning how to pastor a church plant and equip others to be missionaries.

Then he put his hands on my shoulders and said, “Keep doing what you are doing for the Russian orphans and to spread God’s Word. The seeds you are planting are bearing fruit!”

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” –James 1:27

*Names changed for security reasons.