Read 2 Corinthians 9:6.
This past spring, I went to Lowes and let my kids pick out a set of flowers to plant at home. They were steeped in anticipation by the time we got home - then I realized I seriously underestimated the amount of potting soil we needed. The good news: I took a solo trip to Lowes 10 days later and got more potting soil. The bad news: after sitting on a porch with no water, half of the flowers were dead.
Today’s Scripture talks about the spiritual seeds we sow and reap. God has called every believer to share the gospel and make disciples of all nations. Every Christian knows that, and I believe every Christian even feels that they ought to be sharing the good news as much as possible.
If you’re anything like me, though, you feel guilty about not sharing your faith as much as you should. I like the simplicity of today’s verses, because it basically says, “Do the math!” If you want to see more people become disciples of Christ, you have to start talking to more people about Christ. As my old mentor would say, “Make disciples, not excuses.”
I dare you to take a 100-day challenge to share the gospel with someone once a day. When you do, you’re not leaving a bunch of flowers on the porch with no hope like I did. My guess is that you will gain a lot of evangelism experience and have several really cool stories of people trusting in Christ. You can do it!
God, we pray to be faithful in proclaiming the gospel each day in a way that leads to spiritual fruit that glorifies You. Amen.
-from our Associate Director of Go Here