East-West Blog

Field Story: Invited to Live in God’s House

Written by East-West Staff | Mar 15, 2021 10:00:00 AM

Note: This story occurred prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brandon* walked through a rural town in Latin America with a local believer, who was taking him to meet some of her friends and family. Brandon’s feet kicked up dust on the dirt road as he examined the shed-like homes made of spare building materials. Most houses only had one room big enough to eat and sleep. Here, where resources are few and Christian persecution is normative, God has often revealed Himself to people in supernatural ways.

Brandon and the local believer reached a two-room house where an elderly mother named Katrina* and her middle-aged daughter named Ana* lived. Katrina, who had just returned from a hospital stay, was lying on a small bed with Ana sitting beside her.

Brandon introduced himself to the pair and asked if he could share some Bible verses with them. The women agreed, but Ana first asked if her mother could share an experience she had in the hospital.

“Of course,” Brandon responded.

Katrina began to tell Brandon about a strange dream she had while in her hospital bed.

“A very kind man appeared in my room and began to show me pictures of beautiful homes and rooms,” she said. “It was a short visit, and he disappeared. I was not scared by his visit.”

After hearing the dream, Brandon was immediately reminded of something Jesus said to His disciples. Brandon took out his Bible and read a passage from John 14.

“‘Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.’” -John 14:1-3

Katrina’s eyes lit up as Brandon read the Scripture. “Yes,” she replied, “that is what happened to me!”

Brandon smiled as he told Katrina that God was graciously getting her attention. Katrina and Ana listened intently as Brandon shared how God loved them both so much that He sent His Son as a sacrifice for their sins. They could have eternal life and live in God’s beautiful home if they accepted Jesus as their Savior.

Katrina and Ana joyfully gave their hearts to Christ that day. The small room illuminated by a single lightbulb was now filled with the light of the gospel.

Even in places where few believers live, God works in mysterious ways. Please pray for Latin America, that more people would come to know the Lord in this spiritually dark part of the world.

*Names have been changed for security purposes.