A mysterious illness had plagued Shreya* for months. Her body became weaker and weaker every day until she was bedridden. Her husband, Vihaan*, took Shreya to many doctors in South Asia to try to find answers. But the doctors couldn’t find the cause of Shreya’s illness, and her health continued to worsen.
During Shreya’s sickness, a neighbor invited her and Vihaan to watch the “JESUS” film at his house. Vihaan wasn’t interested, but Shreya told him she wanted to watch the film. So Vihaan carried his bedridden wife on a bicycle and traveled with their daughter to watch the film.
The “JESUS” film chronicles the life of Christ, including the miracles of Him healing the sick and raising the dead. Vihaan was moved by Jesus’ compassion. At the end of the film, he prayed and asked Jesus to heal his wife. If Jesus could make the lame walk and the blind see, maybe He could make Shreya well again.
Jesus answered his prayer. Soon after watching the film, Shreya’s health began to miraculously improve. Without the help of doctors, she became stronger and stronger every day. Vihaan was shocked that his wife was healing so quickly. He knew Jesus had placed His healing hand on Shreya.
Vihaan, Shreya, and their daughter decided to give their lives to Christ and were baptized one month after watching the “JESUS” film. Experiencing a miracle convinced this family that Jesus is Lord and Savior.
“‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.’” -Mark 2:17
Learn more about how East-West uses the “JESUS” film and other methods to share the gospel with the lost.
*Names have been changed for security purposes.
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